Pastor Seth isn't from Saskatchewan, but he quickly adopted the green and white of the Roughriders as his favourite team. Seth enjoys playing video games when he's not watching CFL or reading up on the Riders. Seth believes in God's power to restore and heal broken lives and relationships.

Seth grew up attending church but it wasn't until he was hospitalized that he encountered Jesus through the pages of his little Gideon Bible. God's transformation of his life helps Seth to know that God can transform anyone. Seth believes in casual Friday every day and owns multiple pairs of the same style blue jeans.

Pastor Stacia grew up sensing a call to work for God but not really sure about how that could look. She explored pursing mission work and discovered that God was instead calling her to be a pastor, caring for the church.
Stacia believes in the power of the resurrection of Jesus as the source of all her hope. Only the one who has conquered death by death can meet us with love in our darkest moments.
Stacia enjoys board games, classic movies, oxford commas, and random trivia. She prefers McDonald's coffee over Tim Horton's. Seth and Stacia are busy parents to four active kiddos.
Gateway Covenant Church is a congregational church. This means that all members of the church participate in decision-making at regular meetings. The members elect a Leadership Council to provide ongoing leadership on behalf of the congregation throughout the year in-between meetings. Gateway elects six people, both men and women, to the Leadership Council in rotating terms.

Mary Jane is a life-long Covenanter and member of Gateway. She is a great-grandmother who regularly hosts her entire family for meals. Mary Jane also served in Women Ministries for our Canada conference in past years. She is our own personal archive of the history of the Covenant church in Prince Albert and across Canada.

Four members of our Leadership Council are appointed to oversee specific areas of ministry at Gateway: Discipleship, Spiritual Care, Missional Care, and Stewardship and Properties. These elected leaders then work with a team of volunteers to keep the ministries of the church functioning and adapting. Along with the pastoral staff, these teams make sure that we continue living our mission to welcome all as we encourage one another to know and follow Jesus Christ a and serve our community in His name.