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We are people who welcome all as we encourage each other to know and follow Jesus Christ, and we serve our community in His name.

Gateway Covenant Church is a multi-generational, multi-cultural gathering  doing our best to live into the fullness and beauty of those multis. We love Jesus, we love each other, and we love our city.

Stacia Michael

Welcome to Gateway! Because I believe in the Holy Spirit, I also believe in the local church as the hands and feet of Jesus. The church is as human as we are, but to be human is to be both broken and blessed.

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Seth Michael
Associate Pastor

I am proof that church isn't full of perfect people but of very real people.

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Gateway is a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada (ECCC) and the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC). The Covenant is a rapidly growing multi-ethnic denomination in Canada and the United States.


As Covenanters, we are

>evangelical, but not exclusive

>biblical, but not doctrinaire

>traditional, but not rigid

>congregational, but not independent

Learn more about our denominational family and Covenant distinctives here.


​Gateway values being a welcoming space. This extends beyond our Sunday morning services. We welcome other organizations in our community into our space, we welcome newcomers to Canada, we welcome the kids in the neighbourhood for regular programming and meals, and we welcome those who find themselves in need through our outreach ministry downtown at The Gate. We know that being welcoming is area where we need to continue to grow, but it is central to who God has called us to be.


Gateway also strives to be a place of encouragement on the journey of following Jesus. We want you and all our neighbours to know and follow Jesus because he is the source of our hope, our encouragement, and our life. We hope that we provide a safe space to ask the tough questions and wrestle with the big issues. And we provide for one another support, prayer, compassion, a listening ear, or just a helping hand.


Gateway exists because of Jesus' love for us and for the world. Because Jesus' Spirit lives in us, we get to love what he loves. Our neighbours, our community, our city. It is our hope that we are using the gifts that we have and the opportunities that God has provided to be of service not just to one another but to our community. The Gate, Kids' Klub, Trunk or Treat, sponsoring newcomers to Canada, or just making sure that we shovel the sidewalks that our neighbours walk on are some of the ways that we try to serve.



The Evangelical Covenant Church was founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants who had, prior to their arrival in North America, encountered a revival of the Holy Spirit. Their experiences led them to value the Bible as the Word of God, the new life available to all in Christ, and the importance dependence on the Holy Spirit. They became known as Mission Friends, people who joined together in support of the mission of Christ, not allowing differences over interpretation to divide them. That commitment to being the hands and feet of Jesus led early Covenanters to Prince Albert.


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The presence of the Covenant church in Prince Albert dates back to 1939 to a Sunday School program north of the river that became the  North Prince Albert Children's Chapel. In 1941, Covenant Bible Institute (later Covenant Bible College), a program focused on discipling young people, was founded in Prince Albert. The CBI students were asked to help with the Sunday School. By 1946 Edna Benson came to be a parish worker. In 1950, this work that started out by educating and caring for children became Calvary Covenant Church.


Meanwhile, in March 1947, the first official Covenant Church was organized as Bethel Covenant Church as operated from the chapel at the Covenant Bible Institute on 22nd St E. In the summer that year, special services were held and many people became Christians.  By 1950, a third Covenant church was organized in the city. . By 1962, all three churches had joined together at East End Covenant Church. With a building fund of $500, the congregation at the church took a step of faith in purchasing and building at the current location. In April 1981, services at the new church building at 1500 15th Street East began. The very same day that the first full service took place in the new building, the congregation received phone call offering to purchase the old building! God indeed provides. In September of that year, the new church was dedicated as Gateway Covenant Church.

Made by Birdie (Bernice) Anderson


We are people who welcome all as we encourage each other to know and follow Jesus Christ and we serve our community in His name.


Join us at 10:30 am each Sunday for our weekly worship gathering. Find us live on YouTube and join the conversation.

© 2020 by Gateway Covenant Church
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1500 15th Street East, Prince Albert, SK

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